"Hardware test" lets you test the periphery of your device. Diagnose your phone/tablet and discover new features on it!
Via this app you can test your:
♦ Speakers and receiver
♦ Microphone/s
♦ Vibration
♦ Screen, brightness, touchscreen
♦ Front and back camera/s and flashlight/s
♦ Sensors (gyroscope, accelerometer, proximity, light, magnetic (compass), thermometer, barometer, hygrometer, step detector, heart rate monitor
♦ Light notifier
♦ Soft keys light
♦ Mobile data and Wi-Fi
♦ Infrared port
♦ Bluetooth
♦ Connectors (headphone jack, USB connector)
♦ Buttons (Home, Power, Back, Menu, Recent apps, Volume down, Volume up, Media (for the headphones), Search, Camera, Focus)
♦ Fingerprint sensor
Why we use these special app permissions:
♦ Camera - to test your camera/s
♦ Microphone - to test your microphone/s
♦ Photos/Media/Files - to save the picture you captured with the test camera
♦ Bluetooth connection information- to test your bluetooth
♦ Prevent phone from sleeping/Dismiss keyguard - to test the power button without locking the phone
♦ Change audio settings - to test your receiver
♦ NFC - to test your NFC
♦ Transmit infrared - to test your infrared port
♦ Control vibration - to test your vibration
Privacy Policy
"Test Hardware" memungkinkan Anda menguji pinggiran perangkat Anda. Mendiagnosa ponsel / tablet dan menemukan fitur baru di atasnya!
Melalui aplikasi ini Anda dapat menguji Anda:
♦ Pembicara dan penerima
♦ Mikrofon / s
♦ Getaran
♦ Screen, kecerahan, touchscreen
♦ depan dan belakang kamera / s dan senter / s
♦ Sensor (gyroscope, accelerometer, proximity, light, magnetik (kompas), termometer, barometer, hygrometer, langkah detektor, memantau denyut jantung
♦ notifier Cahaya
♦ Tombol layar menyala
♦ Ponsel data dan Wi-Fi
♦ Inframerah
♦ Bluetooth
♦ Konektor (headphone jack, konektor USB)
♦ Tombol (Home, Power, Kembali, Menu, Aplikasi terbaru, Volume bawah, Volume up, Media (untuk headphone), Search, Kamera, Focus)
♦ sensor sidik jari
Mengapa kita menggunakan ini izin aplikasi khusus:
♦ Kamera - untuk menguji kamera Anda / s
♦ Mikrofon - untuk menguji mikrofon / s
♦ Foto / Media / File - untuk menyimpan gambar yang diambil dengan kamera uji
♦ koneksi Bluetooth informasi-untuk menguji bluetooth Anda
♦ Mencegah telepon dari tidur / Tutup tombol - untuk menguji tombol power tanpa mengunci telepon
♦ Ubah pengaturan audio - untuk menguji receiver Anda
♦ NFC - NFC untuk menguji Anda
♦ Transmit inframerah - untuk menguji port infrared Anda
♦ Pengendalian getaran - untuk menguji getaran Anda
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